Fugue Productions
“Unlike all the other art forms, film is able to seize and render the passage of time, to stop it, almost to possess it in infinity. I’d say that film is the sculpting of time.”
– Andrei Tarkovsky
Created by Peter Yaxley.
"fugue productions" is an independant Music and Film company, and production platform for new ventures into new film making, script development and documentary presentations.
Local and national Australian talent are always sorced first, in support of the local film industry, with the addition of overseas talent for the benefit and augmentation of the craft, for promotion and distribution of films overseas.
All monies collected from this site are used for new creative upcoming products.
For further details of new projects refer to the development section.
fug'ue : the meaning of
Fugue traces back to the Latin word fuga, meaning “flight,” fleeing from your own identity.
In compositions, one or two themes are repeated or imitated by successively entering voices, themes or sounds and contrapuntally developed in continuous interweaving patterns with repetitive elements.
(from varied Dictionary sources)